Behold, the Xbox One/Playstation 4 Combo Laptop of Your Dreams

If you've ever struggled between your love for PS4 and Xbox One, here's your answer. A man named Eddie Zarick has combined both consoles into a single 22-inch laptop form factor. Crazy, right?

Zarick explained the idea on his website in detail. "The PS4 sits on the left hand side of the unit, and the XBOX ONE is on the right side. The whole unit still only takes one power cord (must be plugged in) and only one unit can be powered on at the same time," he wrote. "Switching between the units is as easy as flipping the red switch on the back of the unit."

He even created a video that breaks it all down.

click to play video

This piece of magic was a prototype unit he created for one of his customers, and it's not for sale. But! He might build more for "seriously interested customers."