This Guy’s Pixar Lamp Costume Is Both Hilarious and Insanely Creative

What comes to mind when you think about famous Pixar characters? Perhaps it's Finding Nemo's Dory or Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear, but for one fan, what came to mind was the lamp. Yes, the lamp from the logo.

On Twitter, user Count Draculito shared his genius costume for his school spirit week's "Disney Day." Even better, he fully reenacted Pixar's opening credit animation using clunky cardboard boxes. The incredible and goofy video has been retweeted on Twitter more than 46,000 times and has more than 80,000 likes. Watch the video below.

It's Disney Day for Spirit Week at school so naturally I dressed up as the Pixar Lamp

— Count Draculito (@TheWeekday1107) October 13, 2016

Whether this student meant to or not, he totally won Halloween and spirit week.