24 Gifts That Are Clever AF

Somebody's got a funny bone! Gift giving is hard, and funny gift giving is even harder, but these Redditors and Imgurians mastered the art of clever presents perfectly. While you're planning your holiday shopping, remember these incredible, heartwarming gift ideas from people too smart for their own good. Source: Reddit user vbpatel

This Lego Set With an Adjusted Age Range
Reddit user ICorrectYourTitle

This Lego Set With an Adjusted Age Range

This Beautiful Gift From a Loving Son
Reddit user y0immatt

This Beautiful Gift From a Loving Son

This Iron Throne Phone Charging Stand Made of 1,000 Miniswords
Reddit user correcthorsestapler

This Iron Throne Phone Charging Stand Made of 1,000 Miniswords

This 3-Carrot Ring
Reddit user vbpatel

This 3-Carrot Ring

These Dollar Bills Rolled by a Mom Who . . .
Reddit user c*nt_dooku

These Dollar Bills Rolled by a Mom Who . . .

. . . Decided a Check Would Be Too Easy
Reddit user c*nt_dooku

. . . Decided a Check Would Be Too Easy

This Surprise For a Son Who . . .
Imgur user abandonplasma

This Surprise For a Son Who . . .

. . . Really Wanted a Monster Truck
Imgur user abandonplasma

. . . Really Wanted a Monster Truck

This Holiday Sweater For Maury Host Maury Povich
Reddit user TatumStrangely01

This Holiday Sweater For Maury Host Maury Povich

These Uncle Dave Shirts From Uncle Dave
Reddit user JoshyBoy401

These Uncle Dave Shirts From Uncle Dave

The "Okayest" Shirts From the Best Bro Ever
Reddit user gthrt7

The "Okayest" Shirts From the Best Bro Ever

Whatever This Girl Got
Reddit user pray4m0j0

Whatever This Girl Got

These Xboxes For Xbox's Biggest Fan
Reddit user citadelsaint

These Xboxes For Xbox's Biggest Fan

This Mug From a Grandma Who Only Gives Winning Mugs
Reddit user jakethemetalhead

This Mug From a Grandma Who Only Gives Winning Mugs

This Glassware Set For the Guy Trying to Be the "Mature Older Brother"
Reddit user Rico04

This Glassware Set For the Guy Trying to Be the "Mature Older Brother"

This Cardboard Cutout From a Loving Sister
Reddit user BearsOnaBus

This Cardboard Cutout From a Loving Sister

This Bedspread of Steam CEO Gabe Newell
Reddit user OhThereYouAre Perry

This Bedspread of Steam CEO Gabe Newell

This Giant Box of Chocolates For a Grandpa Who Gets Chocolate Every Year
Reddit user Jokerboy649

This Giant Box of Chocolates For a Grandpa Who Gets Chocolate Every Year

These Teenage Mutant Knitted Turtles
Reddit user trim44

These Teenage Mutant Knitted Turtles

This Gift of Pure, Unadulterated Nostalgia
Imgur user crzJJ

This Gift of Pure, Unadulterated Nostalgia

And Finally, This Picture From Magneto and Professor X
Twitter | sirpatstew

And Finally, This Picture From Magneto and Professor X