Chelsea Handler Is Challenging Instagram's Strict Rules Again

Comedian Chelsea Handler took a stand against Instagram's nudity policies before her topless photo was banned from the site a few weeks ago. Now she's pushing Instagram boundaries again with her latest Kim Kardashian-inspired butt snap. Alongside a screenshot of her Community Guidelines violation notice, Chelsea made a good point: "If a man posts a photo of his nipples, it's OK, but not a woman? Are we in 1825?" Exposed breasts have also gotten Rihanna in trouble on Instagram. In fact, both Chelsea and Rihanna shared their NSFW pictures on Twitter in retaliation.

The Facebook-owned photo-sharing site has a very strict "remove, without warning" policy on photos it deems inappropriate. Of course there are plenty of socially unsuitable things you should never post on Instagram, but we took a closer look at the social network's official guidelines to find out what photos will actually get your account or photos banned immediately.

  1. Nudity — As Chelsea's photo proves, exposed nipples will be removed immediately. Topless pictures of men, however, are fair game. When it comes to photos of children nude, even partially nude photos aren't allowed. One woman's photo of her 19-month-old daughter's belly button was taken down earlier this year. However, postmastectomy and breastfeeding photos are A-OK.
  2. Illegal content — Not only will photos or videos of illegal substances (drug paraphernalia, etc.) get your account disabled, but also, Instagram may report you to the authorities!
  3. Extreme gore or violence — Don't put it up. Instagram has a zero-tolerance policy on the matter.
  4. Spam — Instagram can detect self-promotion though repetitive comments, discount codes, and the types of website URLs included in profiles.
  5. Bullying — This applies to both comments and photos. Any attempt to abuse, attack, harass, or impersonate another individual can get you kicked off Instagram.
  6. Glorifying self-harm — Images that encourage anorexia, bulimia, cutting, or committing suicide will result in a disabled account.
  7. Posting someone else's photo — The original photographer can file a report to have the photo removed. Conversely, if your photo is stolen, don't take it into your own hands. Taking a screenshot of the offending account and posting the screenshot may be considered harassment, which is grounds for account suspension.

Read more on Instagram's official policies here.