Kids React to Typewriters: "That's Horrible!"

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Another day, another "Kids React" video. This time around, the Fine Bros. put a bunch of kids ages 6 to 13 in front of a typewriter, and you can pretty much guess how it went from there.

Sure, some of them had seen typewriters in movies or TV shows, but they had no idea how to work it. Zero. ("Why is it . . . oh my God! What does that mean I move this stuff?!"). And the thought of having to use white out to fix a typing? "That's horrible!"

One boy pretty much summed it up when she expressed how she felt about us poor souls who lived through the type-writer era. "I feel very sad for them. They can't FaceTime, they can't do messages, they can't do work, they can't play games . . ."

Sounds like an old-school tech problem if there ever was one.

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Game Boys
Old Apple computers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles