Keeping Your Apps Organized Just Got So Much Easier, Thanks to This Cool iPhone Feature

Aug 10 2019 - 10:50am

So, uh, did anyone else know you could select multiple apps like this on iOS?

Because I definitely didn't just discover it. pic.twitter.com/Nq0wfuqzb6 [1]

— manik (@ManikRathee) December 29, 2018 [2]

Our iPhones [3] can do a lot of cool things, though a handful of said things often tend to get a lot more shine than others. So it's not hard to imagine how, every now and then, some of us iPhone users end up learning things about our phones that we never knew before [4]. Case in point: Manik Rathee, a Google engineer who shared a viral tweet last week [5] in which he explained his recent discovery of a simple iPhone trick that allows users to select and drag multiple apps at a time. "So, uh, did anyone else know you could select multiple apps like this on iOS? Because I definitely didn't just discover it," he wrote.

A video accompanying the tweet shows a person demonstrating the trick, pressing and holding down one app until it enters wiggly mode, and then using another finger to select two more apps so that they can all be dragged across the screen together. It's a pretty easy trick, but it's a game changer for anyone who regularly reorganizes their apps and home screens, and tires of only being able to move one app at a time.

The feedback from the tweet alone — it currently has over 1,300 retweets and around 3,700 likes — indicated that this is yet another feature [6] that many people are just now learning about. But, according to a few comments from other users, it isn't actually that new. The "hack" has apparently existed since the launch of iOS 11 back in September 2017, and it just hasn't been spoken of very much. Check out Rathee's video of the feature above.

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