11 Ways I'm Getting My Life on Point in 2019

Unsplash | Freddy Castro
Unsplash | Freddy Castro

The holidays are here! This time of year is filled with festive parties, lots of wine, and, of course, the seeds of New Year's resolutions that after the turn of the calendar page will haunt your dreams with infinite guilt. Such fun! If your promise to yourself is to get your life together and finally become organized, this is actually your year. Here are 11 ways I'm going to accomplish my goal without all the extra stress.

Vision Board It . . . Before January 1
Unsplash | Jazmin Quaynor

Vision Board It . . . Before January 1

Call me a dreamer, but I'm totally a believer in the power of vision boards. What was first a chance to cut and paste collage-style with my friends became a way to tune into my true priorities, all year long. But if there's anything that rings true this time of year, it's that things are easier said than done — so I'm creating a new board by NYE. Next step? Putting it up and looking at it on the daily.

Get Physical With Photos

Get Physical With Photos

If you came to my house today, you may be shocked to learn I have two awesome siblings, nieces, nephews, loving parents and in-laws, a sweetheart son, and an amazing husband. Why? Because I have zero pictures hung up, making it look like I just moved in (wrong) or that I'm a solitary soul (again, wrong). The people we love — and those who love us — deserve a spotlight on our walls. This is the year I'm going to clean out my photo library and, gasp, actually print pictures. I'm excited about using the HP Tango printer ($149.99) to get the job done. It's the first printer with a cloud-based, two-way network connection, which makes it easy to print, scan, and copy from anywhere, using any device. Just use the HP Smart App for Android and iOS to tell the Tango to print, and the app alerts you when your documents are ready. I can print unlimited 5x7s with HP's Instant Ink subscription plan (which starts at $2.99 per month).

Be a Better Friend
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

Be a Better Friend

Anchoring myself emotionally is 100 percent as important as physical decluttering. My husband and I moved to a new town last year and it's still not fully feeling like home. The minute I left, I missed my friends terribly and was reminded how hard it can be to make new ones. So I'm going back to basics and following Ralph Waldo Emerson's golden rule of friendship that my son happened to learn at his toddler class: the only way to have a friend is to be one. Step one, pick up the phone. Step two, make plans. Step three, be supportive. Repeat.

Make a Bedtime To-Do List
Unsplash | Jan Kahánek

Make a Bedtime To-Do List

When I'm lying in bed at night willing myself to just fall asleep already, it always seems to be the lurking to-do list that keeps my mind racing. Rather than constantly fretting that I'll forget something, I now keep a notebook and pen at my bedside and jot notes to clear my head before bed. Reviewing what I wrote the next day keeps me on track, and lets me get better zzz's.

Take a Moment For Your Body (and Soul)
Unsplash | Alexander Mils

Take a Moment For Your Body (and Soul)

I know, I know. Waking up in the morning to get to that early spin or yoga class seems like a great idea until your alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. But this year, I'm doing it. No, really, I am. I'm going lay out my clothes the night before and use my HP Tango to print out the class schedule to keep on my fridge. And, to make it even easier, since I can connect to the printer remotely, I can print it the moment it's released each week. Because if it's in my face, it'll be way harder to flake.

Actually Book Those Trips
Unsplash | Andrew Ruiz

Actually Book Those Trips

How many times have I said to myself, "I really want to go there — I'll look into it later"? The answer is probably a million. I thrive on adventure, and I'm making this my year of exploration. I'm talking actually hitting "book" on those beach vacays and reserving that yurt in Utah for a weekend. It's all about seeing the world.

Revive the Romance
Unsplash | freestocks.org

Revive the Romance

All the adulting we do takes a toll on the romance in any relationship. But this year, I'm bringing back the formal date night. Even if we can only swing it once a month, cozy time with my husband will be a game-changer in a number of ways. Plus, it's a chance to explore all the sweet little restaurants in our new town.

Manage Your Money
Unsplash | rawpixel

Manage Your Money

Guys, why didn't I listen when people said a baby, and a house, and life were expensive? Fielding unexpected home repairs and paying for my son's medical care are only two of the reasons my bank account has gotten angry lately. There are tons of good apps out there for managing a budget, and I plan to harness the power of my phone to do just that.

Meal Plan Regularly
Unsplash | Katie Smith

Meal Plan Regularly

Healthy eating is important to me, but it's not always the most convenient. Even when I remember to buy all that delicious, fresh produce, I end up letting some go to waste before I have the chance to cook it. Starting January 1, my plan is simple: meal plan and prep for the week every Sunday so less food goes to waste and less takeout is ordered. I'll print a weekly menu so my husband and I don't have to wonder what we're eating that night.

Keep Your Schedule at Eye Level
Unsplash | Brooke Lark

Keep Your Schedule at Eye Level

According to the book The Artist's Way, "Creativity thrives within structure," and I totally buy it. I'll be printing out my weekly calendar each Sunday and posting it on the wall. I love looking at the beautiful rainbow of color-coded events that make up my chaotic but happy life.

Make Saturdays Fundays
Unsplash | Scott Webb

Make Saturdays Fundays

While lounging is relaxing, and relaxing can be great, too many Saturdays passed in 2018 with nothing accomplished and nothing experienced — and frankly, I regretted not hiking or popping into the local museum. So, now, I've declared first day of the weekend officially Funday. I think it'll kick the week off (because all weeks should start with Saturday) on exactly the right foot, no?

This content was created by HP Tango.