How Am I JUST Now Finding Out There's a Way to Backspace on iPhone Calculators?!

Jun 11 2019 - 8:00am

Yes, there's a way to backspace on an iPhone calculator [1], and yes, I just learned how to do it a whopping seven years after getting my first iPhone. Until now, I've accidentally pressed the wrong number pretty much every time I'm in the middle of calculating tips or figuring out how much of my monthly budget [2] I have left to blow on ice cream, leading me to furiously mash the "clear" button and restart my calculations from scratch. Sound familiar?

Alas, all of those frustrations were for naught, because each iPhone calculator actually has a built-in feature that allows you to delete digits one at a time, even though there isn't technically a designated backspace button. All you have to do is swipe your finger right or left over the numbers you've already typed to delete them one by one. It's as simple as that! Check out the video ahead to see it in action.

Save a life: swiping right or left on the numbers you typed in on the iPhone calculator allows you to backspace! pic.twitter.com/65yaYxS0CP [4]

— RiverTheFisher (@riverrich20) March 21, 2019 [5]

It looks like I'm not the only mind-blown iPhone user [6] who recently discovered this handy-dandy capability, as many others have excitedly shared the realization on social media in the past few months. Between this and that nifty space bar trick [7], it looks like there are a whole lot more little-known tech hacks [8] just waiting to be unearthed.

Read Through Tweets From People Who Recently Discovered the Feature . . .

. . . or Still Don't Know About It

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