What Everyone REALLY Thinks of Your "Haha" vs. "LOL" vs. "Hehe" Texting Choices

Jun 2 2019 - 3:20pm

Are you more of a "haha" or an "LOL" person? Do you ever use "LMAO"? What do you think when someone says "hehe"? These are the burning, very 2019 questions that plagued my friends and me during a recent brunch outing, and I was shocked by how differently we interpreted the many ways of conveying humor via text. The conversation led me down quite the Google path, which included The New Yorker's "hahaha" vs. "hehehe" debate [1] and a fun New York Times deep dive into the many laughter variations [2].

Intrigued, I decided to conduct an informal investigation into "haha" and some of its alternatives, asking a large group of coworkers to weigh in on their habits and interpretations. Said coworkers range in age from early 20s to over 40, and, as hoped, they hold strong opinions. Below is a condensed version of the group's feelings on everything from "hahaha" — my personal favorite — to "lawl." Keep reading to find out what people really think of all the options, but take heart in one universal takeaway: if you're texting with people who really know you, every option is a good one.


The classic, no-frills form of conveying laughter.
What people think:

Consensus: Generally fine to use with people you don't know very well, but typically seen as a knee-jerk, filler response to something that's meant to be funny but maybe isn't?


The shortest way to convey humor.
What people think:

Consensus: Capitalization makes a BIG difference.


The classic with a little something extra.
What people think:

Consensus: A go-to favorite that isn't going to be misconstrued. Use with abandon.

hahahaha+ (as in, four or more ha's)

Unlimited ha's.
What people think:

Consensus: If someone gives you a whole bunch of ha's, they really DO think it's funny.


Multiple, all-caps ha's.
What people think:

Consensus: Universally used and understood as, "Yep, that's hilarious."

ahaha or hahah

A missing first "h" or last "a."
What people think:

Consensus: Comes across as either a casual laugh or a casual mistake, but either way, a decent response.


A key "b" to kick off the ha's.
What people think:

Consensus: Probably perceived differently depending on how well you know the person you're texting with, but if you're close, likely seen as a genuine "OMG" sort of laugh.

lol or LOL

Haha's complicated cousin.
What people think:

Consensus: You're either an LOL person or you're not, and although people use it with different intentions, if you're texting with someone who knows you well, they'll probably get what you mean.


The lol, extended.
What people think:

Consensus: Seen as more genuine (and implying that something is funnier) than the standard "lol."


It's lol with a bold twist.
What people think:

Consensus: It definitely makes a statement, but some people can pull it off.

lmao or lmaoooo

As in, "laughing my ass off."
What people think:

Consensus: Either used frequently or not at all, but interestingly, more popular among the under-30 set.


Like lol, but also not at all.
What people think:

Consensus: Rarely used, and very much a choice when it is.


Think: any random (but intentionally so) typing.
What people think:

Consensus: Effectively communicates BIG emotion, but aligns more with "OMG" than "haha."


Haha, but make it weird.
What people think:

Consensus: Tends to come across as either intentionally or unintentionally creepy, but fine to use with close friends who would know your vibe.

The "HAHA" bubble for a specific message

Aka when you tap a specific iMessage and choose the "HAHA" reaction.
What people think:

Consensus: Cool for group texts, uncool otherwise.

"I actually just laughed out loud"

Because sometimes you just need to clarify.
What people think:

Consensus: A very safe, very sincere bet.

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