The Reddit Cat Facts Prank Is Now an Amazing App

Aug 1 2014 - 5:02am

A classic Reddit troll [1] has now been turned into the greatest cat-related prank app of all time. Say hello (kitty) to Cat Facts [2] (free with in-app purchases, Android), which is designed to drive your friends mad with constant, never-ending bits of information about your favorite furry friends.

Two years ago, Reddit user frackyou [3] noticed that a little cousin had posted his new phone number on Facebook. So frackyou, bored, decided to send a stream of persistent texts from a "cat bot." It went a little something like this:

Cat Bot: "Please let us know you are human to cancel by completing the following sentence: Your favorite animal is the [blank]."

Cousin: "Dog."

Cat Bot: "INCORRECT. Your favorite animal is the cat. You will continue to receive Cat Facts every hour."

Cat Bot: "Please let us know you are human to cancel by completing the following sentence: Your favorite animal is the [blank]."

Cousin: "Cat."

Cat Bot: "INCORRECT. Your favorite animal is the dog. You will continue to receive hourly Cat Facts."

So go ahead, troll all of your friends and frenemies — and let this be a lesson to you all: be careful of what you post on Facebook!

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